Other Berkshire Geological Events

Reading Geological Society
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Thames Valley Region


Our outdoor meetings programme for 2023-2024 is shown below.
Programme 2023-2024

Previous programmes

Copies of previous years programmes are available as pdf documents using the links below.
Programme 2022-2023
Programme 2021-2022
Programme 2020-2021
Programme 2019-2020
Programme 2018-2019
Programme 2017-2018
Programme 2016-2017
Programme 2015-2016
Programme 2014-2015
Programme 2013-2014
Programme 2012-2013
Programme 2011-2012

Around the 3 Valleys  

This book contains more of our geological walks.

Our publications page contains links to all our various publications including leaflets detailing some of our walks.

Forthcoming Events

Wednesday 18 September 2024

7:00pm   Annual General Meeting and talk by Clive Edmonds

Meeting point - Woolhampton Village Hall, Bath Rd, Woolhampton RG7 5RE, SU 5708 6681

After the AGM Clive Edmonds will give a talk entitled "Observations of Karstic Geology in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico" with references to Mayan culture and the Chicxulub impact crater!

Saturday 2 November 2024
        until Sunday 3 November 2024

10:30am   Festival of Geology - UCL, Gower St, London WC1E 6BT

Entrance free, BGG Stand on the Saturday. Field events on the Sunday.

For all BGG events please check the website nearer the time or contact BGG by email to check.
For externally organised events please contact the event organiser.