About us
The Berkshire Geoconservation Group is an all-inclusive volunteer group which works with local authorities, landowners and the general public to safeguard our special landscape for future generations and to promote understanding of its geology and geodiversity.
We designate sites of significance within the county so that these can be conserved and enhanced where appropriate. We also produce a Local Geodiversity Action Plan which identifies actions to be taken over a five year period.
This aims to guide the conservation and interpretation of the geological features of Berkshire.

We also have links to the Reading Geological Society that hold regular lectures and field meetings looking at all aspects of geology. Details of their forthcoming programme can be found in our Whats On page.
If you are interested in any aspect of geoconservation please consider joining BGG. Even if you do nothing else with the group, by simply becoming a member you will be making a big difference. Membership is free and all members receive news and information about our activities.
We hold the occasional walk to areas of geological interest and anyone is most welcome to join us. If you would like to suggest a walk of interest then please do so. We are happy to give talks to local groups about the geology of the area.
Contact us if you would like more information.